frequently asked questions
Can I guest post?
Very occasionally, I consider unsolicited guest posts. The content needs to fit the overall feel for this site and it shouldn’t have an overly promotional bent.
Will you feature my product or service or place?
In almost every case, I happen upon places, services, products, and experiences by chance. I do not accept advertising, sponsored or promoted posts, or paid links for Observing Leslie. However, if you think I’d love your product or service, I welcome you to send me information about it.
will you mentor me?
I wish I had more time to mentor the amazing people who come my way. If you need help or guidance, send me a note with the specific help you seek or check out the services I offer by popular request. They help support this site.
Will you link to my site or content?
If the information suits the content I publish and it doesn’t overtly sell or promote something, I’ll consider it. Do note that it rarely makes sense for me to rework existing posts to add links. I do not accept paid links.
how can i work with you?
I continually seek participants for my ongoing Stakes project research, if you would like to participant or know someone who might speak with me. You can learn about the services I provide to support this blog. You can contact me with bespoke requests as well.
how did you name this site?
Through this site, you observe me as I observe the world. (And I hope you’ll interact with me. This blog attempts to start a conversation. Join in.)