
Yep, that’s me back there, capturing the moment in Les Invalides. Paris, France. August 18, 2022.

support my work

To monetize their websites, writers and bloggers have moved toward accepting advertising in greater forms, including affiliate income, sponsored posts, paid links, freebies in exchange for write-ups, ad placements, and beyond.

Though I begrudge no one the need to make an income—I do, too, after all—I don’t like the suspicion that what I read is biased by hidden ad revenue. And I prefer to write and create work as unbiased by advertising as possible.

Therefore, I do not accept advertising or promotion revenue of any kind for my work on Observing Leslie. Instead, I ask simply that if you value something you’ve found here, you consider sponsoring my efforts.

You can support my work on Observing Leslie and on my longer-work writing and research (including the nascent Stakes project and my novels-in-progress) in one of several highly valued ways):

Buy Me a Coffee

If you’d like to make a one-off contribution as a thank you for something you read here that you found helpful to you in your thinking, product or service research, or personal and professional development, you can do so via my Buy Me a Coffee donations page.

Become a Member

I’ve created three types of ongoing memberships with different levels of perks for my supporters.

You can learn more about the levels of memberships available and the perks associated with each one via my Buy Me a Coffee page, under the “Membership” tab to the left of the “Support” tab for one-time tips.

Memberships start as low as $5 per month and unlock exclusive posts and messages.

Nudge Me for a Little Help

I’ve created quick-and-easy services for commonly requested help I’ve received through Observing Leslie:

And if there’s something you’d like help with but that you don’t see listed, contact me and let me know.

Stay Tuned for my fiction

My passion is fiction writing. I have published short fiction, though I focus currently on the novel. I have a few novels in various stages of progress and hope to have publication news to share soon.

If you’d like to stay in the loop on my fiction efforts, subscribe for e-mail updates or join as a member.


Not all of us can support creatives monetarily. If even a one-off coffee doesn’t fit your budget in this moment, I understand.

In this case, though, I’d ask that you consider subscribing to my periodic e-mail updates and sharing the work you value with your friends, family, colleagues, and social media networks.

Expanding my audience makes a huge difference!

And before You Go…

Before you click away from this page, a quick word of thank you for visiting my site, reading my words, and collaborating with me. I’ve long said that I value the dialogue of writing as a writer and as a reader.

Even when not in live conversation, but writing down our thoughts and reading and considering the thoughts of others, we collaborate.

Thank you.