Despite a head cold and the death of my ancient computer at midmonth, I managed to forge ahead with my work. How’s that for determination?
Read MoreJanuary Januaried, if that makes any sense. Morale low entering February, but I’ll power through. I always do.
Read MoreI’ve had an itch to evolve the blog again, based on my recent musings about the types of communion I crave.
Read MoreOf all the books I read in 2024, which do I rate as the best of the best? (And how did I decide?)
Read MoreAs always, I have bolded my particular favorites. I loved many others on the list, though, so don’t assume I didn’t if one you loved or want to read isn’t in bold!
Read MoreI devoted December to meeting my writing objectives as far in advance of the end of the year as possible so that I could spend quality time unwinding with my spouse before the advent of 2025.
Read MoreThe good news is that, unlike last month, I managed to carve out a little more social time amid all the writing work and the other work.
Read MoreI’m in crunch time for many of the projects and plans I had set for 2024—or I’m coming to terms with the reality that certain things just will not get done.
Read MoreAs always, I read fewer books in Q3 than I do in other quarters of the year. I still read plenty, though, listed with my favorites in bold as always.
Read MoreSeptember didn’t slow down, now did it? I crammed it with as much productivity and traveling and literary goodness as I could.
Read MoreLate in the month I marveled at how gloriously long August seemed this year thanks to all the things I did and the people I saw and the places I went.
Read MoreA lot of moving around geographically in July, but work and goals still progressed while the adventures unfolded.
Read MoreI ranged all over the place with my reading in Q2 2024, from what felt like the gamut of fiction genres through to nonfiction on the writing craft and beyond.
Read MoreJune was a hodgepodge of experiences professional and personal and otherwise, which made it an emotional rollercoaster of a month. And with more of those ahead, too.
Read MoreMuch progress on the writing fronts in May 2024, hitting target for two big projects. Doesn’t mean I will make my goals for the year, as I have far still to go, but I’m at least on track. (I think.)
Read MoreSo much flew at my head from so many directions in April that I don’t even know how to organize an update for this summary.
Read MoreSomehow, we’ve wrapped the first quarter of 2024? Which means I’ve compiled and tidied up my reading list for the beginning of the year, too.
Read MoreI’m more than a little flummoxed to have wrapped the first quarter of 2024, but at least my goals and plans are so far on track. Here’s what I managed—the highlights, anyway—in March.
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