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Books I've Read: Q3 2022

Morning reading at home. Lausanne, Switzerland. July 21, 2022.

And here goes for the books I read in the third quarter of 2002, in rough chronological order according to the time or day I finished reading each one:

  1. The Hop, by Diana Clarke

  2. Entre Deux Mondes, by Olivier Norek (French language edition)

  3. Deer Season, by Erin Flanagan

  4. Intimacies, by Katie Kitamura

  5. Beijing Payback, by Daniel Nieh

  6. L’Empathie, by Antoine Renand (French language edition)

  7. I Will Die in a Foreign Land, by Kalani Pickhart

  8. Human Blues, by Elisa Albert

  9. Voix d’Extinction, by Sophie Hénaff (French language edition)

  10. Fellowship Point, by Alice Elliott Dark

  11. Le Bureau des Affaires Occultes, by Eric Fouassier (French language edition)

  12. Teenager, by Bud Smith

  13. Il Faut Beaucoup Aimer les Gens, by Solène Bakwoski (French language edition)

  14. Hades, Argentina, by Daniel Loedel

  15. La Lumière Etait Si Parfaite, by Carène Ponte (French language edition)

  16. Ce Qui Les Étoiles Doivent à la Nuit, by Anne-Gaëlle Huon (French language edition)

  17. Beloved, by Toni Morrison

  18. Mongrels, by Stephen Graham Jones

  19. The Wrong End of the Telescope, by Rabih Alameddine

  20. Ceux Qui Voulaient Voir la Mer, by Clarisse Sabard (French language edition)

  21. Tracy Flick Can’t Win, by Tom Perrotta

  22. La Petite Chèvre Qui Rêvait de Prix Littéraires, by Béatrice Hammer (French language edition)

  23. You Should Pity Us Instead, by Amy Gustine

  24. Sleepwalk, by Dan Chaon

  25. True Biz, by Sara Novic

  26. City on Fire, by Don Winslow

  27. Bretzel & Beurre Salé: L'Habit ne Fait pas le Moine, by Margot and Jean Le Moal (French language edition)

  28. King Kong Théorie, by Virginie Despentes (French language edition)

  29. The Love Songs of W. E. B. DuBois, by Honorée Fanonne Jeffers

  30. Fight Night, by Miriam Toews

  31. Let No One Sleep, by Juan José Millás

  32. Killers of a Certain Age, by Deanne Raybourn

  33. Rester Groupés, by Sophie Hénaff (French language edition)

  34. The Rabbit Hutch, by Tess Gunty

  35. The English Understand Wool, by Helen DeWitt

  36. The Latecomer, by Jean Hanff Korelitz

  37. Et que Quelqu'un Vous Tende la Main, by Carène Ponte (French language edition)

  38. The Town of Babylon, by Alejandro Varela

As always, I’ve bolded the books that wowed me, though that doesn’t indicate I didn’t enjoy others on the list!

To see the year’s previous quarterly lists, click here to see what I read in Q1 2022 and click here for a list of the books I finished in Q2 2022 and here for a list of the best books I read in Q4 2022.

Update: My year-end review of all the books I read in 2022, including my favorite of my favorite reads in 2022, is available!

To check out my write-up of best-of-the-best books for the year before, 2021, including links to that year’s quarterly books-read lists, you can find it here.

I’d love to hear what you thought if you read any of these books on my list—and would, as always, love recommendations for books you’d suggest I read.