If you visit Basel, you’ll find a wealth of fun things to experience, from history, art, culture—and even food. We loved our trip to Basel—even more than we’d expected to love it!
Read MoreThe first full-force summer travel season of the post-COVID-restrictions era just wrapped, and I have a few observations.
Read MoreHere’s how to get a sampling of the variety of experiences Freiburg has to offer, from nature and Black Forest views through to history and culture.
Read MoreDespite a jam-packed month, I kept most of the high- and medium-priority projects moving forward on schedule. Forgive me if I feel a bit of pride about that.
Read MoreVisiting Annecy? Here are our go-to the restaurants (and treats!) during our stays in this active and beautiful lakefront town in France.
Read MoreHere’s what you want to know about The Cheese Train out of Montreux, Switzerland, and how to coordinate your experience.
Read MoreWhen you visit Basel in Switzerland, expect not just to enjoy the culture and activities on the river and in the region, but the dining as well.
Read MoreHere’s what we learned from our recent travel experience that can save you time, energy, and grief—and help ensure you have an amazing visit.
Read MoreI managed to pack July with all kinds of good stuff!
Read MoreUltimately, I believe that our bodies always fail our minds. Even when it seems like our minds are “going” first. Here’s why.
Read MoreLet’s look at how to decide where to stay while in Rome, how much time to schedule for your visit, and what you can expect in terms of eating and drinking while there.
Read MoreTake a look at what I read in Q2 2022—and let me know what I should read next.
Read MoreFits (with book notes) and starts (with human connections). Overall, June brought more progress than delays when it came to progress against 2022 goals.
Read MoreWhen asked about timelines for integration, I never had a definitive answer based on my own experiences. So I did a little research. Here’s what I learned.
Read MoreWe might most naturally learn our second (and beyond) languages in the same way we learned our first.
Read MoreIf you love history—especially ancient history—like I do, check out Marseilles, Nîmes, Arles, and the Pont du Gard. (Among other amazing sites!)
Read MoreI can think of a few pieces that every suitcase should include that many people never consider. These items go for every person and for every season.
Read MoreTossing out a few random highlights from my review of progress against goals through May 2022, with a few wins and a few, er, areas of improvement.
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