Month-in-Review Highlights: June 2021

Lucked out and got a tour of the under-construction Plateforme 10 building in Lausanne, Switzerland. June 20, 2021.

Lucked out and got a tour of the under-construction Plateforme 10 building in Lausanne, Switzerland. June 20, 2021.

I postmortem each month shortly after it ends, reflecting on what happened in general and, more specifically, in the context of my goals. Though I don’t share all my insights here, I have made it a practice to share at least one key highlight or insight. (To read previous months’ reviews, click here.)

Achieving full vaccination lifted a lot of my easy excuses for postponing several goal-related activities, especially the ones I rarely consider intrinsically motivating, such as doctors’ appointments.

Alas, my reprieve on doctors’ visits ended with achieving COVID antibodies, and I made and then subjected my poor self to all the battery of annual check-ups on my list. The final visit took place on the final day of the month, but I squeaked it onto the calendar. Win!

On the much more intrinsically motivating front, I finally started going through on-line coursework toward improving my video creation skills, from the shooting through to the editing, with a goal of making all of this a lot more engaging for all of you. Given the trends in multimedia today, having at least a better baseline of video creation can only help me on several fronts.

And finally, also tracking through my goals for the year, I made a few first steps toward building a better network of other creative people via attending a few on-line gatherings for creative types and even building the shell of a group to connect creative people of all types in the Lausanne area. I haven’t quite launched the group—given the haphazardness of summer schedules, I think I’d better wait until fall—yet I’ve started to lay the framework. That feels like progress.

And here we are, halfway through the year. How quickly it’s gone—and how much more I have yet to do to hit my targets!