Month-in-Review Highlights: October 2021
A snapshot from our weekend trip across the border to utterly gorgeous Annecy, France. October 23, 2021.
I postmortem each month shortly after it ends, reflecting on what happened in general and, more specifically, in the context of my goals. Though I don’t share all my insights here, I have made it a practice to share at least one key highlight or insight. (To read previous months’ reviews, click here.)
My October goals review shows me still decently on track for the year, given that only two months separates us from 2022. I’ve reached the annual point at which I can admit that the projects not even touched will not get done before December 31, 2021.
And I can feel okay with this fact-facing, provided that the important projects have at least reached the “most of the way there” point.
As to those important ones: Some, alas, I will not complete before the end of 2021. However, many will have passed the finish line, and the other important ones should have reached the very final part of their home stretches.
In terms of October progress against important goals, I note solid movement on several professional fronts. This autumn in general has brought a watershed of anxiety, thinking, and, finally, decisions. The crescendo peaked in September; October meant putting many of the decisions into motion for realization.
And, frankly, I haven’t felt as excited about the professional facet of my life as I do right now in a long time. Quite frankly, I may never have felt this good about it. (Okay, I most certainly haven’t.)
Many things still need to play out over the next several months, and I still need to come down from the anxiety and tension leading up to now. All balls need to stay in the air and I can’t lose focus, but the relief of having decisions made and in the implementation process underway comes as a magnificent relief. I can begin the emotional unwinding. (And the consequent physical unwinding, come to think of it. I need a massage.)
Late next month, I’ll start thinking through my goals for 2022. Already? Yes, already. Just as my elders always said they would, the years just come more quickly, the more that go by.