How do you find a wedding planner to help you get married in a location far from where you live? Whether you want to get married in France (from a U.S. home base, like me) or elsewhere, here’s what you need to know.
Read MoreHow have fictional representations influenced the image and impressions we have of the hoodie today—if at all?
Read More“I appreciate people a lot more. I realized there are so many ways to expand who you are and your enjoyment of life. It brings choices.”
Read MoreNeed book recommendations to keep up with your reading goals for the year? Check out my reading list for Q1 2021, with my favorites in bold.
Read MoreI’ve struggled in the first quarter of this year with making progress on one of my creative goals.
Read MoreEach of these four categories of “French travel surprises” tie to often-unexpected cultural differences. In expecting them—and reducing the “surprise” factor—you’ll have a much better travel experience.
Read MoreThough I knew I would write a coronavirus diaries anniversary post, I’d thought that one year after the start of the COVID-19 saga would look much different than it does.
Read MoreWhy buying “at cost” is a myth. You can’t avoid markups and commissions—and you waste time by even trying.
Read MoreFor most of my goal-setting years, I’ve easily accomplished my exercise objectives. Typically, I’ve even exceeded them.
Read More“Home is where everything converges,” Greg said. “Home is where the heart is, and that’s a pretty good definition.”
Read MoreIn the process of learning French, I discovered three unexpected side benefits that I’ve found interesting to contemplate (and that have kept me slogging forward).
Read MoreI had the sinking feeling all month that I’d already fallen grossly behind schedule across several fronts.
Read More“I’d never looked at America as an outsider before,” he said. “Before, I’d been guilty of having an American-centric point of view.”
Read MoreAfter a lot of reflection, I’ve named my best-of-the-best reads of 2020. I would recommend these three books highly to anyone seeking meaty, story-driven fiction that will still make you think—and feel.
Read MoreThe Loire Valley has numerous other activities to give you and your fellow travelers a break from castle sightseeing, should you need one.
Read MoreReviewing my goals progress in December had the same flavor as in previous years, though with the now-familiar 2020 kick of watching the gods laugh at my best-laid plans.
Read MoreLooking for great books to kick off your reading goals for the year? Check out my reading list for Q4 2020, with my favorites in bold.
Read MoreHow can you prioritize which Loire Valley châteaux to see with the time you have to visit? Read my list of the three must-see chateaux, the castles to visit if you have more time, and the chateaux to delete from your schedule.
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