Friday Links #2: Reading to Get You Thinking
Assorted periodicals in my living room. October 11, 2014.
I started this little experiment in spreading good writing in last Friday’s post, two weeks ago.
I’ll admit: I’ve had too much going on to read as much as usual in recent days, so I’ve only mustered a short link list below. I know I need to rectify this gap. After all, my brain needs feeding.
Without further ado, I’ve listed the thought-provoking items I’ve read since my last Friday edition:
My friend Rebecca reminded me of a fascinating article by Michelle Goldberg on extreme feminism’s clash with the transgender movement in The New Yorker. Read it for a completely new perspective on transgenderism.
Researching my post on intolerance turned up a great article by Joanna Schroeder in The Good Men Project on the importance of certain kinds of intolerance.
I’ve read a couple articles about plus-size (or, in other words, normal-size) fashion at the latest fashion shows. My only surprise? That the industry has taken this long to finally come around to the beauty and viability of women in all sizes—and the financial gain inherent in catering to the majority of the clothes-buying public. In-depth reporting by Lizzie Widdicombe in The New Yorker gives a great look behind the scenes at the fashion world’s growing acceptance of people who eat.
You know how highly I value friendship and how hard I’ve worked to build my relationships with the people in life who matter to me most. An editorial by David Brooks in The New York Times about making friendships among adults a “cause” made me smile.
Don’t forget that I’d like you to share your chewy reads, too.
What have you read recently that I should read?