The coronavirus crisis forced many people to drop pretense and futile attempts at perfection and simply act like real, flawed, often-awkward human beings.
Read MoreI have only a few days or even weeks before I’ll need to communicate a bit more in a French-speaking world. And I’ll have to do through voice-muffling masks.
Read MoreThe year has made staying positive increasingly difficult. Hang in there, my friends.
Read MoreThis quick primer can give you the broad strokes on what to expect from Observing Leslie—but only reading the site on a regular basis will fill in the color.
Read MoreIn which I go on a highly picky journey to find an e-reader and assess the Kindle, Barnes & Noble, and Kobo options.
Read MoreCoronavirus April managed to make up for March’s benevolence by throwing many activities related to goal achievement into the penalty zone.
Read MoreEight weeks ago, I started the coronavirus diaries to document the happenings, thoughts, and impressions I had during the pandemic. This marks the final consecutive-week entry.
Read MoreThis is the seventh and possibly penultimate entry in a diary I’ve posted weekly to document the happenings, thoughts, and impressions I’ve had during the coronavirus pandemic.
Read MoreWhen all this started, I’d predicted we’d be mostly back to normal by now. Others predicted it’d take a couple of weeks longer. All of us were mistaken.
Read MoreIn the late middle ages and early Renaissance, Ghent was one of the main centers of wealth, culture, politics, commerce, and all things intellectual.
Read MoreI almost called this entry “The Light at the End of the Tunnel,” but that just seems to ask for trouble.
Read MoreGiven the utterly unique and bizarre nature of March 2020, my monthly goals-review session surprised me.
Read MoreThis entry wraps the first month in a diary I’ve posted weekly to document happenings, thoughts, and impressions during the coronavirus crisis.
Read MoreNeed book recommendations? Here’s a list of books I chewed through in the first quarter of 2020. Favorites bolded!
Read MoreThis is the third entry in a diary I’ve posted weekly to document happenings, thoughts, and impressions during the coronavirus crisis.
Read MoreI’ve compiled a list of links and resources that I hope can help anyone in a leadership role in business better navigate these challenging times.
Read MoreThis is my second week of a diary to document happenings, thoughts, and impressions of the coronavirus, or COVID-19 crisis, in real time. Everything has happened so fast.
Read MoreRiana and Colin are taking a gap year in Prague from their home base in Vancouver. Though gap years aren’t unusual, their timeline is a bit later than typical.
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