Beating the Afternoon Junk Cravings
Bell peppers I sliced in the morning for a daytime snack. June 2013.
Hunger never hits me until afternoon. After lunch, no matter what I’ve eaten, I feel constantly hungry.
Research shows that people awaken with incredible reserves of willpower that decline throughout the day. Likewise, at least for this morning person, energy reserves drain as the day wears on. By 2 p.m., the day’s wear and tear has set in and my mind wants to counter it with food.
And not the good stuff, either.
Nope, from 2 p.m. until bedtime, I crave junk: cookies, cheese and crackers, pizza, candy.
Indulging these cravings goes against my recent optimal health transformation. So I’ve had to find ways to work around my own typically bad habits.
As a number of people have asked me about how to do the same, I figured I should share my tips here in case they help others. Here’s how I stave off starvation—and junk food:
Crudites. Sliced cucumbers, bell peppers, and celery provide satisfying crunch and just the right sweetness. And because they’re low in calories, I can eat an unlimited amount.
Sweet potatoes. Microwave a sweet potato for five or six minutes and you have a toasty, filling snack packed with vitamins. If you want to add some savory, shake on chili powder.
Hot tea. Sometimes warm liquids satisfy the tummy. Hot green or herbal tea in the afternoon helps hold me over until dinner.
Sparkling water with lime. Sometimes my taste buds need more than tap water and tea. Sparkling water with a squeeze of lime to the rescue! It wakes up, refreshes, and satisfies the taste buds—all at the same time.
Volume. I need to feel full to feel satisfied. Toss into every meal extra steamed broccoli, sliced mushrooms, cherry tomatoes—and any other nutrient-rich vegetables that you love. Healthful, low calorie, and filling.
What do you do to maintain a healthful diet?
Crunchy sliced cucumbers, ready for snacking. June 2013.